Review of NHS Health Communications with (and for) the Jewish Community.



Jewish communities in England experience health inequalities across a number of metrics including COVID-19 morbidity, immunisation take up, and breast cancer risk. The Jewish community has twice the number of people aged over 60 compared to the general population. Health care providers and commissioners need to be fully aware of the unique health care challenges and needs of the Jewish community. This includes having appropriate communications delivered through the right channels and at the right time to reach the community.  

Why this work is important for tackling ethnic inequalities in health. 

Inequitable access to services is a major driver of ethnic and racial health inequities. These inequities are often exacerbated by poor (and poorly targeted) communications between health care services and the communities they serve. For some ethnic groups, it is especially important that communications materials are culturally tailored and co-produced to ensure that services are serving all communities equitably. This project will produce resources and provide recommendations to improve the quality and effectiveness of communications with and for Jewish communities, thereby mitigating the impacts of structural and institutional racism.  


This report aims to provide insights that will help to promote effective and respectful communication between health service providers and the Jewish community in order to improve patient experiences. The work will identify good practice, blind spots, and add new insights to already existing research. This will include looking at how guidelines and policies are implemented in caring for patients. The work will be action focused, with the overall aim of making health services culturally safe and responsive through identifying barriers to culturally competent communication between health care providers and the Jewish community.    

Project outputs 

As well as a report, executive summary, and lay summary, we will also be producing resources to assist in more effective communications. The nature of these resources will be determined in the course of the research.  


This research is expected to complete in Spring 2024. 

 Further information 

For further information please contact Sam Rodger (Assistant Director of Policy and Strategy) at